Thursday, February 17, 2011

In case you hadn't heard...

About two weeks ago my mom fell on some ice and broke her ankle. She had to have surgery on Tuesday, but seems to be doing quite well. She has 8 weeks of casts, crutches and loved ones (servants) to meet her every need! After the 8 weeks, she will start PT and be put in an air boot. Just in time to celebrate Patrick's graduation from nursing school and summertime!

Speaking of summertime, can you believe the weather we have had the past few days!? AMAZING! I wish it would stay, but I have a feeling we haven't seen the end of winter. :(

Yep, thats right, middle of February in the midwest and someone has their convertable top down with snow in the background! Too funny!

Hope everyone is doing wonderfully!

1 comment:

Aimée said...

Your poor mom! I will keep her in my prayers.